Thursday, February 28, 2008

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Hey....I just read this the other day and it kind of sums up how I felt sometimes this week starting my new job.
"...they are all nice, kind, motherly souls, who like me and whom I like, and that is why what they said, or hinted, had such undue weight with me. ..I was crazy going to Redmond and trying to take a B.A., and ever since I've been wondering if I am. Mrs. Peter Sloane sighed and said she hoped my strength would hold out till I got through; and at once I saw myself a hopeless victim of nervous prostration at the end of my third year; Mrs. Eben Wright said it must cost an awful lot to put in four years at Redmond; and I felt all over me that it was unpardonable in me to squander Marilla's money and my own on such a folly; Mrs. Jasper Bell said she hoped I wouldn't let college spoil me, as it did some people; and I felt in my bones that the end of my four Redmond years would see me a most insufferable creature, thinking I knew it all, and looking down on everything and everybody in Avonlea; Mrs. Elisha Wright said she understood that Redmond girls, especially those who belonged to Kingsport, were 'dreadful dressy and stuck-up,' and she guessed I wouldn't feel much at home among them; and I saw myself, a snubbed, dowdy , humiliated country girl shuffling through Redmond's classic halls in copper-toned boots."
~Anne of the Island
Ok....not the exact situation, but it made me realize how easily I lose confidence. Someone makes a statement and I automatically imagine the worst and see myself falling on my face.
Work did go pretty throat is a little sore from talking above the roar, but it got better as the week went.
Be warned....I would really like to semi-rant about something and might do so if I ever have the time.

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