Thursday, June 26, 2008

So a police car pulled into my driveway...

Apparently, despite rumors, life is kind of eventful around here. There was a report of a car parked at a house where it was not supposed to be. Of course, the car is the same color as mine. They sent the police officer to the wrong house. So here I am, on my day off, playing when I see the reflection of someone pulling up. I glance out expecting my landlord...nope. A city police car. :o( Is there something wrong at work? what have I done? are they kicking me out of town?

I open the blinds so that they know I'm here...and, because I don't want to just burst out of the door, I sit back down to play friv.

Seconds tick by....nothing....then my landlord is knocking on the door. "Emily! It's ____" I go to the door and he explains that the policeman was sent to the wrong house....he didn't want me to worry....and then got the policeman to explain what "he did wrong". The policeman apologized even though it wasn't a big's not like he took me in for questioning or anything... :D

Both my landlord and the policeman headed back to what they had been doing...I went inside. I heard, "Mr. _____, do you mow this yard here?" I'm thinking, oh no....I should have mowed it before Mr. ________ got to it because now I'm going to be pulled up on some type of city ordinance because I don't mow it often enough. :D Turns out he was just going to see if I needed a "yard guy". Mr. _____ apparently let it be known that he does mow my yard...a fact for which I am very grateful.

Don't think I can count today as boring.....

Monday, June 23, 2008

to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think

There have been heating/cooling issues at work for over a year now. We are finally at the point of making a decision and actually getting a system. Units to heat and cool an entire building do not come cheaply. We have a lot of trees around here, but money definitely does not grow on them.

This not being my forte, I had no idea how much the whole project would cost. The information from the same project 13 years ago, however, indicated doom.

Today, we got an estimate....It was so much less than I had even dared to think. I had prayed that we would handle the situation with wisdom, but had not even thought to pray for a low cost.

This is just the first step money wise so it may turn up to be more than this, but the initial estimate being low can only be good.

This verse came to mind.....
Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen
Ephesians 3:20-21

He's got this under control....I have no reason to doubt Him on anything else. He has proven Himself faithful time and time again...even when I don't think to ask.

Did you know?

(written April 15, 2008)

That the person who has been stalling at the green light will decide to go the minute you give up all hope that they will and start to move?

That "The Bear went over the mountain" and "For he's a jolly good fellow" have the same tune but are used in entirely different circumstances?

That to get a new phone number you have to go to the county seat and get a form, get your landlord to fill it out, return to the county seat, let them type a bunch of information into the computer, hand you a print out with no more than 5 lines of text, and THEN take the form to the phone company where you fill out more forms?

That "you're ready to connect" does not mean you will actually be able to connect to the internet?

That "mocha" and "caramel" obviously sound a lot alike?

That big spiders are creepy, but that big DEAD spiders are even creepier?

That you can watch 50 episodes of "Young Hercules" thanks to

That all these fascinating discoveries can be made in one crazy week?

I am SO tired.

Tick, Tick, Tick

(written March 29, 2008)

Ok....within a matter of days I will be, beyond any shadow of a doubt, in my mid-twenties. I can no longer claim to be in my early twenties. I have reached that "point of no return" and am on the steep slope to my late-twenties.... ;o) Coinciding with the marking of this quite daunting milestone is the completion of my first full year at my current job. What all have I accomplished in the last year?

I think some good things, but they all seem to run together. Now for a "brief" review of the last year....I've moved into my own place to which the local police have only been called once. :) I have been hit by a deer resulting in the loss of a portion of my front bumper. I have been pulled over for pulling out of my driveway. I have driven out of state (ok...maybe I should have already done that but c'mon). I have traveled overnight via Greyhound without knowing anyone else on it.

Anyhoo. A few weeks ago I was plagued by a series of joint and muscle pains. This, along with the looming age increase, motivated me to do perhaps just a little better than I had been. Maybe this way I can prolong the need for a cane until, let's say...maybe 55. ;o) I have since been making a serious effort to eat things like... vegetables and... fruit!!! I even bought myself a box of Raisin Bran and I'm actually eating it! Ok, so I also bought a pint of chocolate milk which I took down in one sitting. (I can't be too drastic you know or my body might go into shock) ;o)

I also purchased an "air bike". woot. I put it together all by myself! Beyond just purchasing it....I have actually ridden it!!!! Sadly, my favorite part of getting it was the addition of three cute little tools to my recently gifted tool kit (I have an unhealthy fascination with Allen wrenches and this one is magnificent!) The process of putting the bike together took me an entire evening. Upon "completion" of the putting together, I realized that I still had 4 washers left over. Oops. I thought about just leaving them off, but I located their position on the very confusing and intimidating diagram which looked like it might be some military secret.So my random ramblings.....Sorry you wasted your time reading them. I am going to start whittling my cane just in case.

The land of the in between, tired wings, and a place to land

(written March 7, 2008)

Ok. There have been countless news stories on mothers dealing with their "little birds" leaving the nest. This makes sense but I have yet to see a story on the poor little birds. I have to tell you that this little bird's wings are tired.

This has been a rough few weeks. I am in the "wonderful" land of the 'in between', also known as life. I am no longer comfortable where I used to be but I am painfully lonely where I am now. Home home is still unendingly dear to me and will always be, but it is not the same as it once was. Strangely, when I am there I am at home but not quite completely at home (hence the "home home"). Home, on the other hand, is an adventure, sometimes fun, sometimes scary, and, quite often, lonely. I know that God had a plan for me when I moved here and I know that, even though I can't see it and definitely don't feel it, His plan is still there. For now I am trudging through this daily life and hoping for even a small glimpse of that plan, preferably sooner rather than later. I am quite sure that God didn't have me move so I could dwindle away in my loneliness. What the plan or purpose is.....I honestly have no idea. Here's to watching for the plan, a landing place, and resting my tired wings!