Monday, June 23, 2008

Did you know?

(written April 15, 2008)

That the person who has been stalling at the green light will decide to go the minute you give up all hope that they will and start to move?

That "The Bear went over the mountain" and "For he's a jolly good fellow" have the same tune but are used in entirely different circumstances?

That to get a new phone number you have to go to the county seat and get a form, get your landlord to fill it out, return to the county seat, let them type a bunch of information into the computer, hand you a print out with no more than 5 lines of text, and THEN take the form to the phone company where you fill out more forms?

That "you're ready to connect" does not mean you will actually be able to connect to the internet?

That "mocha" and "caramel" obviously sound a lot alike?

That big spiders are creepy, but that big DEAD spiders are even creepier?

That you can watch 50 episodes of "Young Hercules" thanks to

That all these fascinating discoveries can be made in one crazy week?

I am SO tired.

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