Monday, June 23, 2008

The land of the in between, tired wings, and a place to land

(written March 7, 2008)

Ok. There have been countless news stories on mothers dealing with their "little birds" leaving the nest. This makes sense but I have yet to see a story on the poor little birds. I have to tell you that this little bird's wings are tired.

This has been a rough few weeks. I am in the "wonderful" land of the 'in between', also known as life. I am no longer comfortable where I used to be but I am painfully lonely where I am now. Home home is still unendingly dear to me and will always be, but it is not the same as it once was. Strangely, when I am there I am at home but not quite completely at home (hence the "home home"). Home, on the other hand, is an adventure, sometimes fun, sometimes scary, and, quite often, lonely. I know that God had a plan for me when I moved here and I know that, even though I can't see it and definitely don't feel it, His plan is still there. For now I am trudging through this daily life and hoping for even a small glimpse of that plan, preferably sooner rather than later. I am quite sure that God didn't have me move so I could dwindle away in my loneliness. What the plan or purpose is.....I honestly have no idea. Here's to watching for the plan, a landing place, and resting my tired wings!

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