Thursday, March 19, 2009

25 things you were probably better off not knowing...

1. I am stubborn as ALL GET OUT! For the most part however, it is cleverly disguised. :)

2. I am a librarian, but I read VERY slowly (but thoroughly enjoy it)

3.I love World War II history (the people side of it - you know, the personal stories)

4. My big brother fell on my arm when I was little and fractured my arm. We were sliding.

5.I can cook....I just usually choose not to.

6. My hair doesn't curl.... it lumps....and poofs.

7. I was a My Little Pony dictator when I was younger....there were certain ones that I WOULD NOT share. I am ashamed....

8. I am actually kinda smart alecky..... it just usually goes on in my head instead of being verbalized.

9. I have almost no tolerance for benadryl....I once took two and was barely able to sit upright. :)

10. My favorite animal is strange. I love moose.

11. I've recently wondered why those in the deer family have the same form for singular and plural. (s) deer (pl) deer; (s) elk (pl) elk; (s) moose (pl) moose; (s) caribou (pl) caribou.... please prove me wrong on this...

12. Right as I was going under to have my wisdom teeth taken out, the nurse was trying to adjust the iv and had it wrong.... the doctor was like "no... do it like this"... I was too out of it to say anything....all I could think was "MOM! They don't know what they're doing!!"

13. I could spend hours browsing through the cool kitchen stuff at Bed, Bath, & Beyond. (strange considering that I don't usually choose to cook)

14. When I'm stressed I play the piano..... loudly.

15. I really like listening to The Everly Brothers, but I also like David Cook, Matchbox 20, and Michael Card (look him up).

16. I was a teacher's assistant in first grade for almost an entire year... it wore me down.

17. I have been called "Trash"

18. My favorite time of year is when the first fall breeze comes makes me feel alive. :D

19. I love new school supplies.

20. In my lifetime I have had 3 pet rabbits, 3 cats, 1 dog, one of those spring colored baby chickens, and a parakeet.

21. I once helped my brothers in trying to dig a tunnel under our fort to the side of the hill.... We got in trouble...

22. We also tried to dig a cellar type thing in the front yard. Also got us in trouble...

23. I was the original princess in the Animal Army. But I was one of the cool princesses that could fight... and I ran the general store for the Animal Army.

24. The Animal Army was something my siblings and I made up to play outside. We fought with sticks and did training manuevers on the swingset.

25. Sometimes to help me fall asleep.....I pretend I am walking through a store and buying different things. I have to visualize the shelf, aisle, and the product. I also have to have some purpose for picking that product. Weird, but it works.

Disturbed? You should be.

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