Thursday, March 19, 2009

Anne and the never-ending strangeness

Anne is a strange kid. All these were said in less than 24 hours.

Anne: Hey Hey Hey Hey (in response to me trying to spread the butter out on her roll instead of leaving it in one big pat that she could just bite)

Anne: Oh. Here you are. I thought you were dead.
Me: No.
Anne: Are you going to die today?
Me: Not that I know of.
Anne: But you might?
Me: Probably not.
Anne: Ok.

(Mom had prayed for our food and prayed that Anne would continue to grow up to be more like God)
Anne: I don't think I'll ever be as old as He is.
(Mom clarified)

Anne: I was excited about butter.

Anne: Mom, you owe me a dog.
Mom: I don't owe you anything.
Anne: You owe me a dog.
Mom: You wouldn't be able to take care of it, to walk it.
Anne: I would walk it.
Mom: You can't even go outside by yourself.
Anne: I would walk him and you could go with me.
Me: If she was going to do that she would just walk the dog.
Ellen: I didn't get a dog until I was 12.
Anne: Mom, may I get a dog when I'm twelve?
Mom: We'll talk about it when you're twelve and if it can stay out of the way of my wheelchair.
Anne: It will.

Anne: Yay for home for saving our lives from not sleeping on the night.

Anne: What's personality?
(we explain)
Anne: I think that's what I have.

Oh boy does she..... never dull but quite often maddeningly talkative. :D

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